This is meant to be more geared to film and tv casting agents. Thank YouCan someone give me advice about choosing a monolouge?
Make sure you pick one that you can relate to. A character of a similar age, experiences and ideas about life. When you are starting out with film and television you want to choose a character that you can naturally step into - a camera picks up if you're faking it a lot better than a theatre.
Check out this site, you should be able to find what you are looking for here:
All the best :)Can someone give me advice about choosing a monolouge?
Do not pick something done too often.
Don't get out the old 'This one works every time'. It will become stale and look too fake. Pick something new but within your reach.
Play a character you can sympathise with.
Choose a monlogue which allows you to show different emotions. You have to have gone on a sort of emotional journey through the monlogue- there could be laughter, there could be tears.
Don't address monlogues directly at the agents, if you're meeting them face to face- i.e. don't bring them in. If your monlogue is addressed to a girlfriend, don't perform it to a female agent. It looks like you're begging and it makes them feel awkward.
Don't come 'in character'
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