Monday, August 23, 2010

I was wondering if anyone had any advice about owning a sugar glider?

I dont have one but i would really like too. I was just wondering maybe some problems you had if you have owned one, or things about how to make them live longer and be happyI was wondering if anyone had any advice about owning a sugar glider?
Please reconsider.

Sugar gliders, while cute, are very social animals and belong in the wild. If they do not have enough attention/friends they often self-mutilate or die of loneliness.

If you want to share your life with an animal I suggest you visit your local animal shelter. While these animals are not as ';glamourous'; as a sugar glider, they are more adapted to sharing their life with humans. You will also be saving their life. In most shelters these animals are killed if no one adopts them. This is of course unnecessary but is simply the sad state of our world today. A world where animals are seen as commodities rather than the individuals that they are.I was wondering if anyone had any advice about owning a sugar glider?
Well they like to have really huge cages (like really huge like the size of those $300 large parrot cages that sit on the floor and are like 6 feet tall!!) and they like to have a friend or they'll be sad. They need fresh fruit and vegetables every single day. There's no sugar glider food at the pet store. Their cage has to be filled with TONS of toys. They need places to jump off and land so they need ledges in the cage and lots of stuff to do. It's pretty expensive owning one but they make really nice pets. I love them.
Here is some basic glider info:

Sugar gliders are very high maintenance pets. They are expensive to purchase and even more money to keep. They range from $150 and up, depending on colors. The average start up cost for a glider(cage, glider, toys, etc), is around $1000-$1500


Sugar gliders are extremely active and very social animals and do not like to live alone. If you would like to own a sugar glider, plan on having more than one. A lonely sugar glider who is deprived of social interaction, will not thrive. They will become depressed and lonely, which can cause them to die. They need interaction with their owners to be happy.

Remember that they are nocturnal and are up all night and sleep all day. My gliders used to wake up at about 11pm and were up until about 7am. During the day they didn't like being bothered, imagine someone wanting you to get up and play at 3 in the morning. I am an insomniac and was up all night anyway, so I didn't mind. When I did want to sleep it was difficult, they are very noisy at night, jumping around and barking and chirping. I used to get woken up several times.

Gliders should be purchased when they are young. Older gliders are hard to tame and may never enjoy being with you.


Gliders must be able to be carried by you during the day in order to bond. I was lucky enough to have a job that didn't mind that I had them with me. You cannot sneak them around with you, as occasionally they will crab, or bark. They are loud barkers.

It you are not able to carry them for at least a few your a day in a bonding pouch then they may not take to you.

Even as a bonded pet, they are still not cuddly. A friendly glider is pretty much one that will not bite you and will jump from the cage to you. You're pretty much a bridge for them to get to where they really want :) They do not like being pet or held, I used to just have them jump from the cage to me and back.


The feeding requirements of a sugar glider are somewhat controversial. It is only recently they have been kept as pets, and needs are somewhat of a mystery. As time goes on people will learn more about the needs of these little creatures. Sugar gliders are omnivorous, meaning they will eat plant material and meat. In the wild they feed from nectar, fruit, insects and even small birds, eggs or rodents. This diet is pretty hard to replicate in captivity. People feed them a variety of foods trying to mimic their natural diet as best they can. Some people feed insects such as crickets, meal worms, wax worms, moths and spiders. The insects should be fed high quality food such as commercial cricket food, and dusted with a complete vitamin/mineral supplement. Hence their name, the sugar glider loves the taste of sugar. They like fruit cocktail. The fruit should be fed in small amounts, chopped together so the gliders can not just pick out their favorites. There are many different diets that can be fed. These diets cannot be mixed and match and must be fed according to directions. Incorrect diet can cause serious health issues. Some diets you may want to research

BML, Taronga Zoo Diet, Chicago Zoological Park Alternative Diet , Darcy's Sugar Glider Diet , Elwin's Fresh Food Diet, Priscilla Price's Sugar Glider Diet, Suncoast Glider Diet Plan, etc(there are a few more to this list)


A large cage, the bigger the better, should be provided with plenty of things to jump and leap off of (a minimum of 24 x 24 inches, by 36 inches high). For a sugar glider, height is more valuable than floor space. A wire cage, wire should be no more than 陆 inch wide, is best to allow the cage to breathe. A plastic tub can be placed under the cage to catch any debris that may fall out of the cage. Lots of toys should be provided as well as an exercise wheel, nest box and/or glider pouch. Branches, ropes and ladders will provide lots of opportunity for climbing and exercise. Large cage is a must, if you do not have the space or $$$ to buy an appropriate cage then do not get a glider.

Vet care

Since gliders are exotic their veterinary care will cost more. You will need to find a sugar glider knowledgeable vet before you purchase a glider.

Other info

Male sugar gliders have a unique smell that some people find unbearable. I used to have to clean mine daily(scrubbing cage, washing bedding, cleaning toys) to keep the smell down. The males have scent glands and they mark thier territory. Females do not have as bad a smell as males. The cage will need to be cleaned frequently, weather keeping males of females as urine has a strong odor. They usually urinate on the side of the cage, so you need to wash the entire cage, not just the bottom tray.

Also check for legality in your state. Gliders are illegal in some states and cities.

Please do as much research as possible on these guys. They are not easy to keep and require very specific care in order to thrive and be healthy.

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