Monday, August 23, 2010

My dad is getting two two day old kittens and i really need some advice about raising them without their mom?

my dad is adopting two two day old kittens because the lady he knows mother cat abandoned them so we're going to take em. can any body give me some mother cat advice. ps, im only forteen but i also have a nine month old demon cat, hes a ratty fixed boy but hes also my baby. any one have any advice please.My dad is getting two two day old kittens and i really need some advice about raising them without their mom?
Hi DareToDream,

First of all you will have to keep these babies separate from your older cat until they are old enough to deal with your ';demon'; 9 month old kitten. Do not let him into the room where you will be keeping the kittens.

I have a really good link below for you which you can share with your dad. Raising orphan kittens is a very time consuming, work intensive activity for the next 4-6 weeks. At two days of age these babies need to be fed every two hours around the clock. YUP even during the night. They also need to have their bottoms rubbed with a warm moist washcloth or cotton so they can eliminate their waste after they are fed. They are not old enough to do it on their own.

Your dad will need to get kitten milk replacement from a pet store. This is the best nutrition you can give them at this age, and you will need a kitten bottle too. Most pet stores carry them. The formula must be warmed and tested to make sure it is not too hot. A drop on the inside of your arm will be a good temperature gauge.

Get a cardboard box and line it with a sheet and some flannel. Towels can catch on the kittens' sharp little claws and injure themselves. You want to keep these kittens warm as well.

But do read this article which will give you everything you need to do. The next few weeks are going to be very busy for you and your dad. You should consider calling your veterinarian also to inquire if these kittens should be examined to make sure they are healthy to begin with. There is a reason why mother cats abandon their young. It could be that mom was too young and inexperienced but it could also mean that the kittens are not healthy.鈥?/a>

Good luck with them and let us know how you make out.

Troublesniffer dad is getting two two day old kittens and i really need some advice about raising them without their mom?
First off, this is not impossible yet rather challenging.They will need to be kept warm.Feed them kitten milk every two hours

amount depending on formula directions.Tis' true however you will need to wash their bottoms with warm wash cloth often after feeding as the mother usually would do this to help them potty so they don't get bound up.Do not offer any regular cow milk product as this will cause upset stomach and loose stool.Never feed the kittens if they are cold as they will have a tough time with digestion.If you choose a heating pad ..lay a towel over it and move them often always on low!Or keep water bottles filled with warm water with a towel over it with them,offer a stuffed animal for them to cuddle with to help with heat.Keep other kitten at home away from these until older and able to protect thierselves.Check gums often,if white they may not be recieving enough fluid(enemic)Should always have pink tongues.Best I can do for now,if you know someone with another mommy cat she may take two babies in...good luck
First off, talk to a veterinarian. They will know exactly what to do and will give you the BEST advice for this situation.

You need some cat milk formula, (I think baby formula might be okay, but check with a vet!!!) and you need to feed them every four hours or so.

Keep them in a very warm and soft place, away from any drafts or other animals. Heating pads under blankets or towels usually are fine. You are going to probably have to rub them some with a soft cloth to keep up circulation and help them use the restroom (think: Momma cat licking baby cat).

When they do use the restroom, wipe up their poo and pee with a soft damp cloth.

The first thing you need to do is get them in a vet's office. He/she will give you the most accurate and best advice.
you can pick up kitten milk at the vet along with bottles and the nipples. They will have to be bottle fed every 2 hours. The best formula is the powder kind. This way you can make enough for one day at a time. It can spoil pretty easy. After feeding they do need to be stimulated with a warn rag or paper towel to make the pee and poop. The mother usually does this for them but since they don't have one, your it. Ask the veternary hospital if any of the techs want to try to keep them alive and help you. It is a lot of work. Good for your dad in trying to save the lives of these little guys. I have done it a million times and it is really rewarding. You can also use goats milk and add plain yogart if fomula is not available. Good Luck.
Your big cat may play to rough with the babies. Baby kittens are a lot of work. A kitten two days old will need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. You will need to use a warm tissue on the baby's bottom to make them eliminate. Momma kitty uses her tongue. When you bottle feed them they will need to be burped. Do this by holding them with their head up and one finger pat to the tummy till they burp. Get cat milk replacer from the store or the vet. If you get liquid milk , mix it all and freeze it in a ice cube tray and thaw out only as much as they will eat. Other wise it will spoil and get expensive. I put mine in a basket next to the bed so the night feedings are easier. Put a heating pad under one side of the basket . So when they are cold they can crawl over to it and when they are hot they can crawl off. Kittens need to be warmer than people. It takes my babies about two days to recognize my voice and tell me when they are hungry. If they spaz out while eating wrap them in a soft cloth and they won' claw you up so bad. Keep them clean and warm. Kittens need lots of attention if you watch a momma cat for the first three weeks the babies get washed and washed and washed. After you feed and burp and bottom wash try a little TLC. Some rubbing and petting as they are going back to sleep. It will make for calmer happier babies.
2 tow day old kittens, can you be raised, if mother cat abandoned them. You should go to the pet store and buy baby bottle and milk that is good for them. Most important thing, call the VET.. you will need them to help you and check up in their early age. Have a nice warm towel around them. There is a cat toy that have cat's heart beating, which would be good for them.. If you are not sure, better surrender to the animal care control, who can find foster family for them. good luck!
get some pet bottles and cat milk formula, mix according to directions

keep babies warm and dry, feed approx every 4 hours

after every feeding you will need to make the babies go potty

get an old wash cloth, rinse under real warm water and wring it out, then wipe the babies bottoms (both doodoo %26amp; peepee)

until they go, if you don't get them to go they will die, you must do this every time you feed them

this is not an easy job, we just finished up raising 6

good luck
Lots of good advice. I've never raised them that young so I defer to others, but I definitely want to reinforce one of the comments: You absolutely MUST keep them away from your male cat!

I wouldn't even open the door to the room they're in unless I was sure he was secured elsewhere.
they need to be bottle fed - but bottles will be way to big for their mouths. so they actually will need to be fed with a little dropper. i'd bring them to the vet ASAP so the vet can tell you how to do it and what kind of cat formula to buy. and they will need to be held and cuddled pretty much 24 hours a day.
You have a tremendous challenge, if they indeed are that young. You can expect a lot of work, and a lot of heartbreak. I have posted a link, and consult the section on orphan kittens. Good luck, as if successful, hand raised cats are tremendous pets.
u should feed it through a bottle (milk) until it is about it is about 8 weeks old
Two days old ! No chance they will surely die. Two weeks just maybe.
A lot of good advice on here, already.....but haven't seen this mentioned.

If you have a Petsmart nearby, go and get a ';Top Paws Mothering Kit';. This is a Petsmart product, so I'm not sure if you can find the same thing anywhere else.

This kit has a refillable syringe and 3 ';elongated'; silicone ';teats';. They're just PERFECT to fit in the mouth of the newborns....unlike the nipples that usually come with the ';pet bottle';.

I raised many kittens using these kits.....never lost one, after I discovered the elongaged teats, etc. The kittens took right to them and would suck the syriinge dry in no time. As they got bigger, I had to feed them more than one syringe!

If I remember correctly, we got to 3 full syringes every feeding, before they got old enough to eat from a bowl!! Feeding 7 kittens like that, every few hours, took quite awhile! It seemed that I no sooner got through with one feeding, it was time for another!

Who's going to take care of feeding the kittens while you're in school??? They'll need to be fed at least 3 times during that time!!

So, along with the other advice (warmth, ';bottom'; cleaning, etc), try to find this EXTREMELY HELPFUL TOOL.

You're in for a lot of work, but if everything works out, you'll be the ';proud mama'; of a couple of healthy kittens.

BTW.........keep ';demon cat'; away from the kittens for a few weeks. At least til they get their eyes open, and even then, YOU need to be in the room with them!

Hope all goes well..............enjoy.
if people say they wont survive then there wrong.i raised 3 3 day old kittens when i was 13(im 14 now) and they survive, with the proper care they will be fine.

heres some tips

just make sare to keep them nice cozy and warm.lots of blankets under them.and get a hot water bottle and place a blanket on top of it so its not to hot and put the kitten on top.and get a clock and put that under a blanket this reminds them of thier mothers hart beat so they are more not put the blanket over them just under.

dont lift them too much for a few can lift them but i mean not being rough or lifting them up and putting them down and up and down and up and down lol.and pet them very gentle to keep them warm.

a mother cat licks them down below so they can go to the after they eat get a moist cotton bud and rub them down there so they go potty lol

keep everything clean.wash your hands before and after touching them.and wash thier blankets at least once a day and if you can twice a day one at night and one in the morning.have more than two blankets so when one is in the wash the other one can be over them.

put a teddy or something warm and cosy that they can cuddle up to in thier bed.and keep thier bed smallish so its nice and cosy.MAKE SURE ITS NOT TO WARM.

now the hardest part the feeding.well see what we did with our kittens is get normal milk and heat it in a sirange and force into the mouth.put the vets and all them people out there say to get a special milk and put it in a sirrange.i think you should go to the vet and ask him this before you get the kittens.or even call him.i think the milk that vets will tell you to use is best.if your vet isnt the best and you do not trust him look it up on the internet but make sure its a SITE YOU CAN TRUST.

and i think thats all i can think of at the can email me for more information or questions oh and let me no how they are getting on.

EDIT:::::::::::::lots of people on here are teling you to feed them every 2 hours and 1 person said every 4 hours.well the mother cat that i have here with her 4 kittens she feeds them every 20 minutes or so so i say every hour to two hours even during the night.ill get a website that i can trust that has the formula for the kitty food just 2 seconds.

EDIT:this is the formula to the milk鈥?/a>

and this is how to feed them鈥?/a>

remember they have tiny bellys so if you feed large amounts at a time every 4 hours thats bad for them just feed as much as they want every 1 hours to 2 hours.

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