He is 7 months old, before he was born I signed papers to have him circumciced but they failed to do it at the hospital. Things happened and I am barely getting around to doing it but my mom tries to scare me and the surgery is in the morning. Can anyone give me advice on that matter? Have you gone through something similar? Thanks :-)Can someone give me advice about circumcising my little boy?
I decided to not get my son circumcised because there's no medical reason to do so. As the guy above me said, it's pretty much a cosmetic procedure and I couldn't put my son through that pain for no reason. Some places do not numb the area and it will not only hurt them during the procedure but after as well. Imagine someone cutting you down there. Even if you were numbed it would still hurt afterwards. I will let my son decide to that if he's older.Can someone give me advice about circumcising my little boy?
i have never gone through this myself, but i think you are making the right decision in getting it done. it is a routine procedure and it will be easier for you and him to keep it clean. i am sure everything will be fine. i would tell you not to worry but you will anyway because thats what moms do. please dont be scared and good luck.
I had my son circumcised and regret it. It's not necessary and it looks awful after it's done. Their penis is very swollen and red . They give the baby some Tylenol and cut their skin off. OUCHHHH! I felt so guilty. If I ever had another boy I wouldn't have it done again. Some people do it for religious reasons and others say it's cleaner but as long as you clean them properly you shouldn't have a problem circumcised or uncircumcised. Just thought I'de give my opinion. Good luck.
It's a very simple procedure.
They will numb is groin area, and simply snip off the foreskin.
Thats all they do, thats the basics of it.
Sence you don't say what your mom is doing to scare you about it, i can't disprove what she is saying, or make corrections. I would distance my self from her untill after the surgery.
hi i just posted a similar question and got lost of negative answers, it will be fine i made the decision after a lot of research and having friends go though it and others who have not had it done and had nothing but trouble with there boys. it is all over very quickly and any discomfort he has now will be nothing compared to what he would have to go through if it is necessary later on, good luck and let me know how it all goes, desiree.81@hotmail.com.au
He'll be fine. Really the only scientific reason to get circumcised is so that you'll look the same as all the other guys in the locker room. However, he won't remember it, and he'll probably be grateful for it in the long run.
I have done a lot of research into this as my husband of 18 years recently told me he has been very resentfull and feels mutilated by his circumsision. It also made him feel less of a man. It has affected him emotionaly on many levels. In my research I have found that this is very common, and an Australian scientist has done a study on this and it shows that a huge number of men exibit the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder as a result of circ. Also for every study that shows any benifit of circ I have found many more that refute these findings. It is very painful and there can be physical complications for both the baby and the man. My husband has a succsessful carreer and is a good family man. I would never have suspected the trauma he has been hiding all his life. His circ is actually what would be considered good - not too tight, no infections etc.. But he has spent the last 18 months trying to regrow the lost skin, and has been successful with still an estimated 12 months to go. There are many websites you can go to to investigate this further and I suggest you look at those to get a full perspective of what it is your are about to let happen to your son and how it has affected many other men and boys as he can never get it back exactly as it was. My husband believes it is completely unethical to remove healthy sexual tissue from a boy or a girl.
i got it done to my son but he was only a few days old. i can tell you that it only seemed to bother him for like a day and that was only when we changed him he was more concerned about being cold for longer than that. i made my hubby go i the room but he said that the baby didn't even seem to notice it he was screaming but it was because he was tied down to the board thing. the fact of the matter is that i know several ppl who had to get it done as children due to injuring the skin and it not healing and it is much better to do it now he may not need to get it done but why not save the worry.
I have 3 boys and all of them have been circumcised. It is not a big deal. Your son will be numbed in that area and the doctor will remove the foreskin. You will have to keep the area wrapped in gauze for awhile, it will fall of on its own and keep it lubricated with Vaseline so it doesn't stick to his diaper. The nurse or doctor will explain all of this with you and will probably tell you to schedule a follow up visit with your son's doctor just to check and make sure that everything healed properly. Good luck and pay no attention to anyone trying to scare you.
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